Brenda Maurao - Consultant

Brenda Maurao has been a dedicated educator for over twenty years, eleven of which have been in school and district administration, primarily at the elementary level. Five years ago she left school administration to become the Assistant Director of Elementary Education in Framingham. She has supported all areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment across 9 elementary schools and in collaboration with the secondary team. After her first year in Framingham, Brenda was placed on special assignment at Stapleton Elementary School in Framingham as principal to improve systems and supports during some administration challenges.  She worked with school and district teams to rebuild this school by prioritizing culture, inclusivity, and health and safety. After returning briefly to district work in Framingham this past fall, Brenda was hired by the Belmont Public Schools to serve as the principal of the Mary Lee Burbank Elementary School (K-4) which began in January 2022. Brenda also serves as a program supervisor for student teachers at Framingham State University, MASCD board member, Soul of Leadership Fellow through MASCD, and mentor to school leaders. She lives in Holliston, MA with her husband Michael, daughter Lucy and son Max.


Abigail Manahan - Consultant


Kate Mayfield - Consultant