Kim Corneille - Consultant

Kim is an educator with 22 years of experience working in education in various roles- as a tutor, mentor, Outdoor Educator, classroom teacher, Education Liaison, Foster Youth Services Coordinator, Trauma Informed Practices for Schools (TIPS) trainer, and, most recently, as a Senior Community Organizer at the Santa Cruz County Office of Education. She's worked with a wide range of underserved children and young people (ages 3-24), as well as families, teachers, administrators, and other community partners. Additionally, she is a certified Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Coach, a student of Dr. Monica Sharma's Radical Transformational Leadership framework, and a developer of Educator Wellness trainings. A longtime yoga and meditation practitioner, she is involved with several other Social-Emotional Learning and Wellness efforts in her community. Kim is passionate about transforming schools into more healing-centered environments for at-promise students and the adults who serve them. Her internal values of love, justice, and wholeness are the cornerstone of how she approaches her work (and life). 


Dr. Eliz Colbert - Consultant


Dr. Méroudjie Denis - Consultant